Strengthening Advocacy against Violent Extremism (SAVE) – Katsina State, Nigeria
Overview of SAVE Project in Katsina State
Women Environmental Programme (WEP) in her quest to bring succor to communities experiencing violence secured funding from the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) to carryout interventions that prevents the radicalization of youth to violent extremism. The intervention which has been on for the past six years (2016-2021) started in the North-central region of Nigeria, Where WEP was the principal recipient and implemented the project in Benue State.
With the successes recorded in the North-central region and increase in banditry as well as other insecurity activities in the North-west region, GCERF saw the need to expand the intervention to the North-west region. WEP again was selected to implement the project in the Katsina State.
Overall Objective
Strengthened community resilience against violent extremism
Geographical area of intervention
Target Populations of Intervention
- Un- or Under-employed youth (18 to 35 years old, young women and young men who are un employed or under-employed in the communities of intervention).
- Religious, Tribal and Community Leaders
- Governance Actors
Target Reach
The project which is being implemented under a consortium approach in partnership with Murna Foundation seeks to strengthen the existing structures of the communities, facilitate resolution of disputes within and between communities, raise awareness against violent extremism, and enhance skills of women and youth for improved livelihoods to prevent recruitment and radicalization of young men and young women as well as reduce food insecurity among target community members through Climate Smart Agriculture Practices. The consortium seeks to achieve this through collaborations with relevant organizations and institutions such as security agencies, civil society organizations, communities, private sector and government agencies.
The consortium will facilitate a boost in economic conditions and activities of the communities in order to create conditions that will reduce the vulnerability of young people which has often led to them succumbing to extremist ideologies resulting in their participation in and perpetration of acts of violence. Communities will be supported to implement community-driven initiatives that promote peace and security in the target communities.
GCERF Leverage Points:
The project is aligned with GCERF’s four leverage points:
Social cohesion, by which GCERF aims to enhance community members’ sense of belonging to an inclusive community that sustains cohesion during times of social change.
Community Agency aims to strengthen community capacity to mobilize, organize and represent their interests, leading to better dialogue between communities, authorities and civil society.
Equal Access to Opportunity aims to boost community members’ feeling of equal access to self-improvement and the belief that they have the necessary skills, knowledge and resources to access meaningful livelihoods
Sense of Purpose aims to help individuals become more resilient to radicalisation to violent extremism through a stronger and more positive sense of self with improved confidence, critical thinking and other life skills that can enhance their sense of self-worth and resilience.
Nigeria Policy Framework and National Action Plan on PCVE
The project is aligned with 3compomnents of the Nigeria Policy Framework and National Action Plan on PCVE, domiciled at the Office of the National Security Advisor (ONSA).
Our activities with state government, the local government and communities seek to improve and strengthen their capacities for engagement and collaboration, this is in line with component 1 of the policy which focuses on strengthening institutions and coordination on PCVE programming.
The crux our work focuses on engaging communities with the primary objective of building their resilience against violent extremism, this is aligned with component 3 of the policy that focuses on engaging communities and building resilience.
The media aspect of the project as well as sensitization and awareness creation activities align with component 4 of the policy which focuses on integrating strategic communication in PCVE programming in Nigeria.