WEP Trains 500 Farmers on Down-scaling Climate Information for Improved Agricultural Practices in Jibia, Katsina State

In a major stride toward enhancing climate resilience among farmers, Women Environmental Programme (WEP), recently organized a two-day training workshop on the downscaling of climate information. The workshop, which focused on interpreting and using agrometeorological data for climate-smart agriculture, was held in Jibia Local Government Area, Katsina State. The event saw the participation of 500 farmers, underscoring the community’s eagerness […]

WEP organizes Peace Conference in Katsina State in Commemoration of the International Peace Day 2022

In continuation of her activities to mark the International Peace Day, Women Environmental Programme (WEP) organized a peace conference in commemoration of the 2022 International Peace Day with the theme: End Racism, Build Peace. The event took place on 22nd September, 2022 at the Executive Munaj Event Centre, Katsina State. The event is part of the activities under the project […]

WEP carries out peace rallies in 4 LGs in Katsina State to commemorate 2022 Peace Day

To commemorate #peaceday we engaged community members especially youth in Katsina State on peace rallies, sporting activities, and peace talk Encouraging them to become promoters of Peace in the community. This activity is part of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) funded SAVE project in the state which is aimed at strengthening community resilience against violent extremism and […]

WEP Host a Community of Practice (CoP) on PVE in Katsina State

Background: A community of practice is a group of people who have an interest, passion or concern in common and come together to explore these concerns and ideas, share experiences, learn and grow their practice.  It is a global practice that enhances collaboration, communication and sharing knowledge between one another as a community. It is against this backdrop Women Environmental […]

Training and dialogue on Preventing Violent Extremism, Human Rights and Peace building

We hosted officers from security agencies, magistrates and high court officials in Katsina State to a training and dialogue on Preventing Violent Extremism, Human Rights and Peacebuilding as part of activities under our GCERF funded PVE Intervention across 32 communities in the state.  The training with the aim of strengthening the capacities of beneficiaries on the process of radicalization, violent […]

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) celebrates International Day of Peace 2021

Women Environmental Programme on Tuesday 21st September, 2021 celebrated the International Day of Peace 2021 in Makurdi the Benue State capital. The UN General Assembly declared 21st September as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. As the world heals from the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s theme was “Recovering better […]


In a bid to finding lasting solutions to insecurity and Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), Women Environmental Programme (WEP) organized a sensitization workshop to raise awareness against violent extremism and reduce the vulnerability of unsuspecting persons to recruitment and radicalization to Violent Extremism.               As part of activities under her Preventing Violence Extremism (PVE) project […]


The media plays a vital role in promoting lasting peace or exacerbating tensions in divided societies. Journalists and influencers can help to diffuse ethnic, religious or political crisis by empowering citizens with requisite information to make informed decisions. Women Environmental Programme (WEP) recognizes the need to put media practitioners and influencers at the forefront of her peace building and development initiatives to […]


Women Environmental Programme (WEP) held a One-day Multi-Stakeholder  Peace/PVE Dialogue at Benue Hotels, Makurdi to sensitize and rally support for the passage of a bill to establish a Benue State Youth Development Commission.        Participants at the event comprised of stakeholders from various pressure groups, MDAs and CSOs. Stakeholders came up with suggestions, recommendations and deliberate steps and decisive actions […]


The prevalent level of crime, violence and terrorism across the country today is a great concern. Insecurity has devastating impacts on community life particularly as peace is a prerequisite for development and social change. The porous state of existing security structures and the inadequacy of peace builders are continually fostering violence extremism in communities. In line with her mandate to […]