News Update
Call for vendors: supply of skill acquisition equipment

Call for vendors: supply of skill acquisition equipment

Women environmental programme is looking for suitably qualified Vendors that are competent and have the capacity to delivering variables in the following services to Katsina state.

This solicitation requests the services of an experienced vendor/supplier to supply kits for beneficiaries of our livelihood component of the project” STRENGTHENING ADVOCACY AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM” (SAVE) in Katsina state.

Scope of Work/Deliverables:

Supply the skills acquisition equipment in the required location (katsina).

S/No Item Specification Category Unit
1 Sewing machine Manual Fashion & Designing 63
2 Tables 3ft W 4ft L 3ft H Fashion & Designing 4
3 Sewing supplies A set of Needles, Threads, Measuring Tape, Scissors and other essential items Fashion & Designing 120
4 Barbing Kit Essential items Barbing 8
5 Waiting Chairs 2 seater metal waiting chairs Barbing 4
6 Computer Desktop/ printers ICT Printer(7)


7 Catering set Catering set and other essential items catering 16
8 Carpentry set Carpentry set and other essential items carpentry 9
9 Welding set machine/Fabricating kit fabrication 2
10 Shoe / bag Making kit kit curbing 6
11 Electrical Electrical kit   1

All interested vendors are encouraged to apply, by submitting their quotations alongside the following supporting documents:

1.) CAC Certificate

2.) Tax Clearance Certificate

3.) Existence of Physical Workshop

4.) Active Email and Contact Address

5.) Functional Bank account showing the business name registered with account number

All interested Vendors who fall under these category of service are encouraged to send their submissions on or before 6th June, 2024.

 Quote Criteria/Payment Schedule

The quotes submitted should include all associated expenses borne by the supplier to carry out this assignment, as no other expenses will be covered or reimbursed by WEP.

Quotes must be submitted in Naira, as payment(s) to contracted supplier will be made in this currency.

Please note that WEP will deduce and remit to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) a 5% or 10% withholding Tax as may be applicable

A 50% advance payment shall be made to the selected Contractor(s), and Balance paid within 2 weeks after supply of items

Applicants should include an invoice detailing daily rate.

How to submit expression of interest

Interested suppliers should send their applications using the title “supplier skills acquisition equipment for SAVE project in katsina” as the email subject to

The application should highlight among other things: their relevant experience with supplies, profiles).


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