INVITATION TO TENDER: for the purchase/supply/installation of desktop computers and solar panels/inverters and all requisite accessories

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) with Funding support from Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) is implementing a project in Katsina state, Nigeria, titled: Strengthening Advocacy Against Violence Extremism (SAVE). As part of the project activities, WEP seeks to procure and install ten (10) Desktop Computers per school in four (4) No. secondary schools across four (4) Local Government Areas […]


Women Environmental Programmed (WEP) invites qualified vendors across Nigeria (including current suppliers and service providers) for pre-qualification for the supply of goods and services of different categories to the organization. WEP is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, non-religion organization with headquarters in Abuja Nigeria, and with offices in Tunisia, Togo, Burkina Faso and Niger.  WEP has a vision of a world […]