Farmers from Dobi and Pagadna communities in Gwagwalada have undergone a training on the production of organic pesticide organized by Women Environmental Programme (WEP) as part of activities on the Global Environment Facility – Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP) funded project “Controlling Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides Use through Organic Farming in Dobi and Padgana Communities in Gwagwalada Area Council, Abuja, FCT”. The project is aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture and combating climate change through the adoption of organic farming practices in the farming communities.
Farming in Dobi and Pagadna communities is characterized by heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Unfortunately, pesticides and chemical fertilizers contain Persistent Organic Pollutant (POPs) which are detrimental to humans and the environment. The confirmed use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides portend danger to the soil, biodiversity and health of members of the target communities as many studies have shown.
The goal of the training is to facilitate the adoption of organic farming practices in the communities. We hope to stop/reduce the use of hazardous chemicals for farming thereby reducing their release into the environment in the target communities in so doing, improving human and environmental health.
Organic materials used for the production of pesticide include: Neem leaves & seeds, onions, pepper and local black soap. The farming community was enthusiastic about ditching chemicals for a more environmental and health friendly method of farming that saves cost and adds more value to farm produce.