Training and dialogue on Preventing Violent Extremism, Human Rights and Peace building
We hosted officers from security agencies, magistrates and high court officials in Katsina State to a training and dialogue on Preventing Violent Extremism, Human Rights and Peacebuilding as part of activities under our GCERF funded PVE Intervention across 32 communities in the state. The training with the aim of strengthening the capacities of beneficiaries on the process of radicalization, violent extremism, PVE, Peacebuilding and human rights featured discussions on the grievances often exploited by extremist groups to recruit and radicalize community members into their fold to become perpetrators. Participants after open and frank discussions agreed that these grievances sometimes emanated from human rights violations and abuses arising from counterterrorism activities of security agencies in the context and delays in the dispensation of justices. They pointed out that for the challenge of violent extremism to be strategically addressed grievances at community level had to be addressed through timely dispensation of justice, transitional justice processes and the preservation of the human rights of all citizens. As critical stakeholders in the justice sector, participants committed to pursuing reforms that will entrench the preservation of human rights and the timely dispensation of justice through the law courts and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. This training was held at Festra Hotel, Beside Open University, Kaita Road, Katsina and featured training sessions, discussions and presentation of media reports and clips on human right violations and abuses by security agencies.