Zénabou Segda
Zenabou Segda is a Communicator, Environmentalist, Economist, Gender and Climate Change Specialist. She holds High degree (DESS) in the Techniques of Information and Communication from University of Ouagadougou. She also holds a Master in Economy and Management of Development (EGD) FASEG University of Ouagadougou. Before delving into the development sector of work, she led a communication agency for 6 years.
Since 2006, she has been involved in rural development especially in the area of Environment, Climate Change and Gender, etc. She has been active in the struggle for the empowerment of women because they are the most affected by climatic hazards. Her contributions have come from service on many fronts :-
Member of the Alliance Steering Committee for Pan African Climate Justice representing West Africa from 2008 to 2013 and Co Chair of this alliance.
Member of the pool of experts and executives Gender UNDP Climate Change – UN Environment – GGCA.
She is currently the Observer Countries on project Gender issues submitted to the Green Fund for Climate.
Zenabou is a very kind and open person. Her hobbies as movies and sports.