JANET MWUESE ASAGH holds a Bachelor of Law (LL.B) Hons) from University of Calabar, Nigeria and a Master of Laws(LL.M) from University of Abuja, Nigeria. In 2010, she obtained a PhD in Telecommunications Law & Policy from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Dr. Jane Mwuese Asagh works with Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) as Principal Manager Legal and Regulatory Services. She is also an Adjunct Lecturer on Telecommunications Law at Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.
She is the author of Telecommunications Law and Practice, J.M Asagh.
She is a member of the following professional bodies :-
- Nigerian Bar Association
- International Bar Association
- Institute of Chartered Arbitrators
- Public Procurement Officer