Call for Applications: Consultancy for the Development of Benue State Climate Change Policy
Women Environmental Programme (WEP) is seeking the services of a consultant to lead the process of developing a Climate Change Policy for Benue State, Nigeria.
WEP is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, non-religion organization with headquarters in Abuja Nigeria, and with offices in Tunisia, Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger, Sierra Leone and Canada. WEP has a vision of a world where the lives of women and youth around the globe are positively transformed. WEP works to achieve her vision through four programme areas: Environment, Climate Change, Governance, Peace and Security.
WEP has received funding from the first round of the Global Climate Ecofeminist Movement Building Fund, launched by Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), to implement the project: “Strengthening feminist organizations to advocate for climate policies and advance sustainable initiatives.”
This project aims to advocate for climate change policies, strategies and plans and incorporating into them, gender concerns by relevant sub-national governments in Nigeria. The project also aims to promote sustainable farming among rural women’s farming groups.
The successful consultant is expected to lead the process of developing a climate change policy for Benue State. The consultant is expected to consult with different stakeholders in the state including government ministries, departments and agencies, civil society organizations, women groups, persons with disabilities, academia, private sector, youth, traditional and religious leaders among other stakeholders to harvest their inputs and ensure they are incorporated in the policy.
The consultant is expected to work closely with WEP and the Benue State Ministry of Water Resources, Environment and Climate Change throughout this process.
The ideal consultant to be contracted is expected to meet the following criteria:
- Must have a good understanding and practical experience working on governance and development issues, including developing policy documents and social research.
- Must demonstrate experience of community engagement, and a good knowledge of gender and climate change issues.
- Must show evidence of up-to-date tax payment to the government or tax exemption for non-profits and evidence of compliance with other government regulations.
- The consultant, or its lead representative, in the case of an organization, must have an postgraduate degree in either of the following areas: environment, agriculture, international development, natural resources management, biodiversity, or any other related field.
- The consultant must have at least, 10years demonstrable experience in carrying out similar assignments. Completed reports of similar works done to be submitted.
- The consultant must demonstrate experience and competence on approaches required to ensuring social inclusivity, and gender mainstreaming issues in the policy development process and in the final document.
- The consultant must demonstrate understanding of the environment, policy and climate change context of Benue State.
Eligible and interested candidates should send in their applications:
- Stating their understanding of the assignment
- Clearly outlining the different stages of the policy development process and their strategies to engage at each of the stages.
- Submit draft outline of the policy document as part of the application.
- Submit CV of the consultant or its representative highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Organizations should in addition to submitting CVs of its representative, also submit its profile showing its experience.
- Submit reports of similar works undertaken by the consultant in the past 10 years.
- Applications should be submitted by email, indicating clearly in the subject line, the consultancy being applied for (E.g. CONSULTANCY FOR BENUE STATE CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY 2024) to: procurement@wepnigeria.net.
Deadline extended to 27th June, 2024
Note: Only selected applicants will be contacted.