News Update
Call for Applications For the Development of a Training Manual for Environmental Justice and Human Rights Booth Camp

Call for Applications For the Development of a Training Manual for Environmental Justice and Human Rights Booth Camp

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) is seeking the services of a consultant to develop a Training Manual for the Environmental Justice and Human Rights Booth Camp, under her WomenPower2030: Feminist Accelerate Action for Sustainable Development project that is being implemented by WEP in Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

WEP is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, non-religion organization with headquarters in Abuja Nigeria, and with offices in Tunisia, Togo, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Niger and Canada.  WEP has a vision of a world where the lives of women and youth around the globe are positively transformed. WEP works to achieve her vision through four programme areas: Environment, Climate Change, Governance, Peace and Security.


The WomenPower2030 Project  is a Financial Framework Partnership Agreement between the European Union and a consortium of 5 feminists organizations led by Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), alongside four other feminists organizations, including WEP. The overall objective of the WomenPower2030 Project is to strengthen the capacity of feminists civil society networks and organizations to fight inequalities and advance gender-equal sustainable development by claiming space in global and regional policy process to influence legislation and improves women’s rights in countries and communities whilst mobilizing women, youth, feminist and gender-diverse activists.

Environmental Justice and Human Rights Booth Camp is one of the activities that is expected to contribute to the realization of the overall objective of the WomenPower2030 Project. The Boot Camp will build the capacities of feminist organizations on different aspects of environmental and human rights issues that are hindering sustainable development and the attainment of gender equality. Beneficiaries will also acquire advocacy and project management skills in the area of environmental justice and human rights, to be able to advocate and implement actions that contribute to sustainable development.

Tasks expected of the Consultant

The successful consultant is expected to develop a training manual that would be used to  build the capacities of feminist organizations on different aspects of environmental and human rights issues that are hindering sustainable development and the attainment of gender equality, project management, advocacy on environmental issues, behavioral change communication, and environmental governance.

The manual should be in a simple and clear language for easy comprehension.


The consultant to be contracted is expected to meet the following criteria:

  • Must be registered with relevant government agency.
  • Must have a good understanding and practical experience of development work including advanced skills in social research, manual development, and development of other technical documents.
  • Must show evidence of up-to-date tax payment to the government or tax exemption for non-profits and evidence of compliance with other government regulations.
  • The consultant must have an advanced degree in the field of environment, human rights, social development, gender studies, international development or any other relevant
  • The consultant must be experienced on issues of environmental justice and human rights and must demonstrate how to mainstream gender in delivering on the assignment.
  • The consultant must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in carrying out similar assignment (a report of such work done in the last 3 years is a required evidence).

Application Information:

  • Interested applicants should forward their applications indicating clearly in the subject line of the email, the opportunity been applied for, (in caps, e.g. CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE TRAINING MANUAL) to
  • As part of the application package, submit a proposed training manual outline and the CVs of key personnel that will be part of this assignment.
  • All applications should be submitted on or before 25 June 2024.

NOTE: Only successful applicants will be contacted.

Female consultants are strongly encouraged to apply.

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