Call for Applications For the Development of a Training Manual for Environmental Justice and Human Rights Booth Camp

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) is seeking the services of a consultant to develop a Training Manual for the Environmental Justice and Human Rights Booth Camp, under her WomenPower2030: Feminist Accelerate Action for Sustainable Development project that is being implemented by WEP in Nigeria and Sierra Leone. WEP is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, non-religion organization with headquarters in Abuja Nigeria, and with […]

Call for vendors: supply of skill acquisition equipment

Women environmental programme is looking for suitably qualified Vendors that are competent and have the capacity to delivering variables in the following services to Katsina state. This solicitation requests the services of an experienced vendor/supplier to supply kits for beneficiaries of our livelihood component of the project” STRENGTHENING ADVOCACY AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM” (SAVE) in Katsina state. Scope of Work/Deliverables: Supply […]


Introduction WEP has launched a Climate Justice Advocacy Mentorship Programme for Young African Feminist Climate Activists. The Mentorship Programme is part of the project – WomemPower2030: Feminists Accelerate Action for Sustainable Development. Funded by the European Union, and implemented by a Consortium of 5 feminist organizations (Women Engage for a Common Future, Women Environmental Programme; African Women’s Development and Communication […]

CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: End of Project Evaluation in Katsina State

Terms of Reference for SAVE End of Project Evaluation in Katsina State Summary Women Environmental Programme (WEP) is seeking the services of a Research and Assessments Firm to carry out an endline evaluation of a project in Katsina State. This evaluation is part of the deliverables of the “Strengthening Advocacy Against Violent Extremism” (SAVE) Project in Katsina State. WEP is […]

Call for Applications: Consultancy for the Development of Benue State Climate Change Policy

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) is seeking the services of a consultant to lead the process of developing a Climate Change Policy for Benue State, Nigeria. WEP is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, non-religion organization with headquarters in Abuja Nigeria, and with offices in Tunisia, Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger, Sierra Leone and Canada.  WEP has a vision of a world where the […]

Kwaghdoo Susan Agber

Kwaghdoo is an advocate for sustainable development and Life on Land. She promotes environmental protection and has been actively involved in climate change activism for the past seven years. Kwaghdoo is a master of International Forestry graduate from the University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada. She holds an undergraduate degree in Forestry, Wildlife and Range Management from the University of […]

COMPAORE Marie-Pierre

COMPAORE Marie-Pierre holds a Master’s degree in Development, Specialty Environmental Management, from Senghor University of Alexandria (Egypt) and a Master’s degree in Geography obtained from Joseph Ki-Zerbo University (Burkina Faso). Its areas of expertise are environmental and natural resource management, adaptation to climate change, food security, local development, land use planning, waste management and project management. Thanks to her professional […]

Climate Justice Advocacy Mentorship for young African feminist climate activists

According to UNWomen’s analysis (Gender snapshot 2023), halfway to the end point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world is failing to achieve gender equality, making it an increasingly distant goal. UNWomen states that, “if current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls will still live in extreme poverty by 2030, and close to one in […]

Women Environmental Programme Advocates for Gender-Inclusive Solutions at INC-4

From April 23rd to 29th, 2024, the 4th Session of The fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4), convened in Ottawa, Canada. Amidst the global urgency to address plastic pollution, Women Environmental Programme (WEP) participated in this critical event, advocating for gender-inclusive solutions and […]

Knowledge sharing workshop for women smallolder farmers in Gboko – F5 Tech for Good

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) organized a knowledge-sharing workshop in Gboko on 26th April 2024. The knowledge-sharing workshop is part of the activities under the F5 Tech for Good Project funded by Charities Aid Foundation America (CAF America). The project which has been implemented in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State has the overall goal of reducing the impact of […]