Transition vers une économie verte inclusive L’ONG WEP- BF renforce les capacités des MPMEs pour les aider à y parvenir

En vue de soutenir la transition vers une économie verte et conformément au Projet SWITCH AFRICA GREEN (SAG) dont elle assure la mise en œuvre,  l’ONG Women Environmental Programme Burkina (WEP-BF), a organisé, pour la quatrième fois, un atelier de  formation sur l’efficacité des ressources, le production propre et la symbiose industrielle au profit des techniciens des micro, petites et […]


Women Environmental Programme (WEP) will be celebrating her 20 years of existence as a Non-Governmental Organization this year. This event will be marked with the theme: “Celebrating 20 Years of Accomplishments and Service to Humanity.” The event will feature activities such as paper presentation, documentary showcasing WEP’s achievements, entertainment, side events and lots more. Expected to be in attendance are […]


By Women Environmental Programme We might not have had the opportunity to learn what we learnt, or visit some of the communities in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria that we visited. We may not have had the opportunity to listen to the communities, neither would the communities have had the opportunity to tell us their stories concerning their […]

WEP Burkina Faso participates at Climate Change Adaptation Forum

The NGO Care International and all its partners, namely, the Environment and Development in Africa (ENDA), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group, invited 80 actors of several domains from public et private sectors of 23 countries, in Senegal to attend the Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP). It was […]

AWDF Trains WEP’s Board of Directors and Management Staff on Civil Society Governance

In the last quarter of 2016, Women Environmental Programme (WEP) benefitted from the African Women Development Fund’s (AWDF) Feminist Leaders and Governance Coaching Project. The 9-month coaching project on leadership and governance was aimed at strengthening the leadership capacity and governance frameworks of women organizations in Africa for transformational change for women and girls. Kick-starting the coaching project, AWDF organized […]


WEP TRAINS WOMEN-FOCUSED CSOs ON GENDER AND SDGs – AS THE WORLD COMMEMORATES ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Congratulations to all women all over the world as we mark the 2017 International Women’s Day! Every 8 of March is celebrated around the world as International Women’s Day, to recognize the achievements made by women in political, economic and social development of […]

A visit by WSSCC’s Executive Director Dr. Chris Williams to Nigeria

Dr. Chris Williams, the Executive Director of Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) visited Nigeria in February, 2017. The aim of the this visit was to strengthen WSSCC’s engagement with government and to ensure government’s commitment at all levels to mobilise resources to improve water, sanitation and hygiene services in Nigeria towards achieving SDG 6. While in Nigeria, Dr. […]

Training of MSMEs on RECP and Industrial Symbiosis

Thanks to Switch Africa Green Project (SAG) entitled: «Enhancing resource productivity and environmental performance of MSMEs in Burkina through the Concept of Industrial Symbiosis», the third training on Resources Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) and Industrial Symbiosis (IS) for the benefit of MSMEs was done on January 26 and 27, 2017, by Women Environmental Programme Burkina Faso (WEP BF), in […]

Scoping mission on the Stockholm Convention on POPs in Nigeria

Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) and Women Environmental Programme (WEP) were engaged by the Secretariat of the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam (BSR) Conventions under the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) to conduct a scoping study in Nigeria and Indonesia to identify the initiatives and success stories related to gender mainstreaming in hazardous chemicals and waste management as addressed […]

Pre-project advocacy and sensitization in Zamfara state

WEP carries out a pre-project advocacy and sensitization visit in Zamfara State Between 9th and 14th January, WEP’s team was in Zamfara state for a pre-project advocacy and sensitization under the Kingdom of Netherlands’ supported project titled: “Ensuring Effective Implementation of Programmes, Policies and Legislations, that contribute towards Achieving Gender Equality in Nigeria by 2030” The project funded under the […]