Terry Dale Ince

Terry Dale Ince is a social entrepreneur and rights advocate who has worked extensively with for-profit and non-governmental organizations and under-served communities globally. She is the convener and founder of CEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago (CCoTT), a non-governmental organization committed to stakeholder advocacy for the implementation of the mandates of the convention through collaboration, education, development, advocacy, and knowledge […]


Barr. Winfred Osimbo Lichuma ESB is a lawyer with a masters in gender and development, and over 20 years of senior level country leadership in human rights and gender equality. She was the chair of Kenya’s National Gender and Equality Commission and spearheaded a public inquiry on the extent that legal and policy frameworks have failed to protect children from […]

WEP Development Series – March 2022

The third edition of the Women Environmental Program’s development series, titled “Promoting Women’s Leadership in Environmental Management,” was recently held. The title was created to commemorate International Women’s Day 2022, which aimed to honor women’s contributions to environmental and climate change issues. The series, which took place on Thursday, March 24th via Zoom, was moderated by Jeannette Sequeria of the […]

WEP Launches PVE Project in Katsina State, North West Nigeria

Our GCERF funded PVE Intervention in Katsina State, North West Nigeria was officially launched on Friday 11th March, 2022. To be implemented in Dutsin-Ma, Funtua, Jibia and Musawa Local Govenrment Areas of the State in its first phase, the project has as target beneficiaries un or under-employed young women and young men, traditional rulers, religious leaders and governance actors. We […]


Highlight and outcome of the side event titled “How education and sustainable agriculture empower women and youth and contribute to Agenda 2030” The side event titled: “How education and sustainable agriculture empower women and youth and contribute to Agenda 2030” was organized by Women Environmental Programme (WEP) in collaboration with African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC), Aid for Rural […]


CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING A BASELINE STUDY FOR A PROJECT TITLED STRENGTHENING ADVOCACY AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM IN KATSINA STATE   Women Environmental Programme (WEP) is seeking the services of a Research Firm to carry out a baseline study on a Project in Katsina State as part of the deliverables of the “Strengthening Advocacy Against […]


The project team for our PVE intervention based in Katsina State North West Nigeria spent last week hosting a Capacity Development and Onboarding workshop for the team and our partners Murna Foundation.  The workshop which was held at the Katsina Tourist Lodge, Katsina from 7th to 11th February, 2022 had in attendance project team members made up of staff from […]