Anne-Marie Torkwase Abaagu

Anne-Marie Abaagu is the Executive Director of the Women Environmental Programme (WEP) a regional Women-focused organization with headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria. A development professional with 8 years experience managing various projects implementing governance, climate change, Peace building, Preventing Violent Extremism and Conflict Transformation interventions. A member of African Working Group Gender and Climate Change, Global Forest Coalition, Women’s Major Group, and Women and Gender Constituency (UNFCCC).

A graduate degree and master’s in international relations and diplomacy and a trained professional certification in Project Management. She has engaged in advocating for policies and legislations that promote women participation at all levels of decision making, and remove all obstacles (social, political, cultural and economic) hindering women’s empowerment and participation in decision making and infringing on women’s rights, and created awareness raising, outreach and campaigning to change mind sets and help create an enabling environment for women and men’s equal rights and role in sustainable development, thus contributing to the gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 agenda.