Actions to Combat Climate Threats in Nigeria (ACCT)

The agricultural sector in Nigeria has been experiencing the adverse effects of climate change. This has led to a reduction in food production which poses a risk of food insecurity in the nation. The extreme climatic events such as floods, drought and desertification, have reduced the size of arable lands; greatly affecting agricultural production, a situation that has placed many people, especially women and other vulnerable groups in poverty. Climate change also affects energy resources such as biomass and water resources. The intensive use of biomass as cooking energy for many households, the low access to clean and sustainable energy is hindering effective adaption to the impacts of climate change by rural and vulnerable population.

Actions to Combat Climate Threats (ACCT) in Nigeria project is implemented by WEP and funded by Christian Aid. This project aims to build the resilience of women and vulnerable groups in local communities to the impacts of climate change particularly in agriculture and energy sector in Benue, Kaduna and Nasarawa states of Nigeria.

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