Brief About Us
Women Environmental Programme (WEP) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, non-religious and voluntary organization formed in April 1997 by a group of women in Kaduna State. WEP envisions a world where the lives of women and youth are positively transformed.
Although WEP emerged in response to the environmental pollution by industries in Kaduna State, over the years she has expanded her interventions to conflict transformation, climate change and governance issues.
WEP has United Nations Economic and Social Council of the United Nations(UN) (ECOSOC) special status, Observer Status to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum, and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). With the Observer Status, WEP participate as a major group organization in contributing to the intergovernmental decision-making process in the UN-System. WEP was the Organizing Partner (OPs) of Women’s Major Groups. WEP is also the Focal Point for Global Environment Facility (GEF) CSOs in West and Central Africa.
Since 1997 WEP has impacted over 20,000,000 lives positively across the globe through her interventions in Environment, Governance, Climate Change, Women and Youth Empowerment, Peace and Conflict Transformation.
Our Strategic Objectives
- To sensitize and raise awareness of the general public on the impacts of climate change particularly on gender, its mitigation and adaptation.
- To stimulate the management of natural resources within the framework of national and international policies/convention for sustainable development of the environment.
- To build capacity of the relevant stakeholders on the management of the environment, conflict transformation, renewable energy, water and sanitation, violent extremism and organic pollutants.
- To educate women and youths on their civic rights and responsibilities, and on democratic governance.
WEP Core Individual Values
Any organization, staff member or stakeholder working, partnering or collaborating with WEP is expected to exhibit the following values:
- Team work
- Integrity
- Dedication
- Service
- Respect
WEP Core Collective Values
Any organization, staff member or stakeholder working, partnering or collaborating with WEP is expected to uphold the following organizational values and cultural norms; see detailed description of each value further below:
- Transparency and Accountability
- Leadership and Excellence
- Equity Fairness and Inclusiveness
- Self-reliance and Sustainability
- Service and Social Engagement
- Gender Justice
- Team Work