Climate Change
WEP Burkina Faso participates at Climate Change Adaptation Forum

WEP Burkina Faso participates at Climate Change Adaptation Forum

The NGO Care International and all its partners, namely, the Environment and Development in Africa (ENDA), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group, invited 80 actors of several domains from public et private sectors of 23 countries, in Senegal to attend the Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP). It was a great opportunity to strengthen the capacity of all actors by providing a platform for multi-actor learning and exchange on climate change adaptation knowledge in Africa.

Adaption and even more Resilience is an emergency and a priority for both the population and the ecosystem but is, up to now, the less invested domain as far the international climate change actions are concerned. There are much more speeches than actions so that there is no change and people are still suffering from starvation, floods, etc.

Through presentations, workshops, expositions, group works, the forum on Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) was a great opportunity to build connections and strengthen commitments to realise high-quality adaptation programmes and actions. Indeed, this programme objectives was mainly to turn adaptation knowledge into action, by drawing from successful adaptation initiatives, knowledge and evidence, and analyses of drivers and barriers; to allow exchange on adaptation learning, capacity building and training opportunities in Africa; to provide an enabling environment, by exploring ideas for improved coordination, continuous learning, knowledge brokering and exchange related to adaptation decisions, capacity building and actions, including good governance.

It was also a matter of working hard to achieve the objectives of Africa Adaptation Programme and to benefit from the fund related to it, as well. And as Emmanuel Seck used to say: “Why did some of our neighbouring countries benefit from some of the fund while other didn’t? It is an emergency to set in motion south-south cooperation so as to cope with the situation”.

All states have been exhorted to build strong institutions to manage these funds in order to be more efficient as far as their organizations and their daily actions are concerned. From that viewpoint and hoping that Climate change is part of all nations’ programme, a recommendation was done for countries to take into account the adaptation programme in their budget.

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